4. Select function desired with the Trackball, then press the ENTER soft key or ENTER
knob to register your selection.
5. Press the MENU key to close the menu.
Plotter function keys
Menu Item Function
Function Key
OFF Assigns no function. —
ADD: ADD NEW WPT Registers waypoint at cursor position. Place cursor
for waypoint location, then press function key.
MWP: MOVE WPT Moves selected waypoint to different position.
Select waypoint, press function key, select new
position, then press the ENTER knob.
RUL: RULER Measures range and bearing between two points.
Press START POINT soft key to change starting
point if necessary. Range and bearing between two
points appears at the top of the screen.
GWP: GOTO WPT Specify waypoint to set as destination. Enter
waypoint name in window, then press the ENTER
soft key.
GRT: GOTO ROUTE Specify route to follow. Enter route name in window,
then press the ENTER soft key.
EML: EDIT MK/LINE Displays mark & line menu. Press appropriate soft
key to access menu item.
TRK: TRACK ON/OFF Each press starts or stops recording/plotting own
ship’s track.
TTM: TTM ON/OFF Turns TTM (target track) display on/off. TTM
DTT: DEL TGT TRACK Erases all TTM track. DTT
ALP: ALPHA LIST Displays waypoint alphanumeric list. ALP
LCL: LOCAL LIST Displays waypoint local list. LCL
RTE: ROUTE LIST Displays route list. RTE
DBX: D. BOX ON/OFF Shows/hides data boxes. DBX
CHG: CHANGE CNTRL Changes control in combination screen. CHG
QP: QUICK POINT Sets quick point (for navigation). QP
MRK: MARK ENTRY Enters the mark at the cursor position. MRK
Note: To use CHANGE CNTRL set it on all displays, with the same soft key number.