Contents of GPS sensor settings menu
Item Description Settings Default Setting
Local Time Offset
Allows the user to use local time (instead
of UTC time). Enter time difference
between local time and UTC time. Use
the + < - - > - soft key to switch from plus
to minus and vice versa.
-13:30 to +13:30 hr 0 hr (no offset)
Geodetic Datum
Your equipment is preprogrammed with
most of the major chart systems of the
world. Although the WGS-84 system, the
GPS standard, is now widely used other
categories of charts still exist. Select the
chart system used, not the area where
your boat is sailing.
Use the trackball or
[ENTER] knob to
select appropriate
Position Smoothing
When the DOP or receiving condition is
unfavorable, the GPS fix may change,
even if the vessel is dead in water. This
change can be reduced by smoothing the
raw GPS fixes. A setting between 000 to
999 is available. The higher setting the
more smoothed the raw data, however
too high a setting shows response time to
change in latitude and longitude. This is
especially noticeable at high ship’
speeds. Increase the setting if the GPS
fix changes.
0-999 sec
0 sec (no position
During position fixing, ship’s velocity
(speed and course) is directly measured
by receiving GPS satellite signals. The
raw velocity data may change randomly
depending on receiving conditions and
other factors. You can reduce this
random variation by increasing the
smoothing. Like with latitude and
longitude smoothing, the higher the
speed and course smoothing the more
smoothed the raw data. If the setting is
too high, however, the response to speed
and course change slows. For no
smoothing, enter all zeros.
0-9999 sec 5 sec
GPS Speed
Calculation of ETA is based on average
ship’s speed over a given period. If the
period is too long or too short calculation
error will result. Change this setting if
calculation error occurs. The default
setting is 60 seconds, which is suitable
for most conditions.
0-9999 sec 60 sec
Latitude Offset
Offsets latitude position to further refine
position accuracy. Use the N <- - > S soft
key to switch coordinate.
9.999’S – 9.999’N 0.0’ (no offset)
(Continued on next page)