
3-4 C120-E360-06EN
CHAPTER 3 Command Reference
I/F RCI unit interface status.
ACT Valid state.
INACT Invalid state.
sys-phase Operating state of the host connected to RCI.
One of the following is displayed:
power-off Powered off.
panic In the panic state.
shdwn-start Shutdown in progress.
shdwn-cmplt Shutdown has completed.
dump-cmplt Dump has completed.
booting System being started.
running System in operation.
- Not support the status display.
ctgry Category of the RCI unit.
One of the following is displayed:
host Host unit.
disk File unit.
rcic External power control device.
linesw Line switch.
Other Other devices.
dev-cls Device class of the RCI unit.
sub-cls Subdevice class of the RCI unit.
tm-out Idle monitoring timeout period of RCI. Since it doesn't support the status
display, "-" is always displayed.
"-c init" needs to be executed in the system power-off status.
"When -c initconfig", "-c addconfig", or "-c replaceconfig" is being executed, or the
setrcic(8) command is being executed, do not execute the setrci(8) command on another
When the setrci(8) command is executed, set all RCI units that are connected to RCI into
the power-on state or standby state.
Executing the setrci(8) command on a model that does not support the RCI function
causes an error to occur.