• Lubrication Before Each Use
1. Driveline Universal Joints
a. Apply multi-purpose grease with a grease gun.
2. Driveline Guard
b. Apply 2-3 shots of multipurpose grease with
grease gun to plastic fi tting.
3. Driveline Profi le
c. Disconnect PTO Driveline.
d. Pull two sections apart.
e. Apply thin coat of multi-purpose grease
to inside of female section.
f. Re-assemble sections.
Note: Pull each section to be sure driveline and shields
are securely connected. Make certain PTO shielding is
in good condition. Do not grease outer or inner plastic
4. Tailwheel Pivot Tube
g. Apply multi-purpose grease with grease gun. (For
dual wheel models of the RC2084, grease both
pivot tubes.)
5. Tailwheel
h. Apply multi-purpose grease with grease gun. (For
dual wheel models of the RC2084, grease both
6. Gearbox
i. Check oil level by removing oil level check
plug on side of gearbox.
j. Add EP80-90W gear oil if necessary to bring
oil level to check plug hole.
(1) Before Each Use
(2) Before Each Use
(3) Before Each Use
(4) Before Each Use
(5) Before Each Use
(6) Before Each Use
3d. Pull two sections apart.
Lubrication and Maintenance 21