Freecom MusicPal Functions
3.2 Now Playing
Note: This menu item is only available while you are playing Internet
Radio or local music files.
This feature enables you to navigate directly to what is currently playing without having
to navigate through the submenus of Internet Radio and Media Player.
Select Internet Radio or Media server (UPnP) in your main menu after having
switched on the Freecom MusicPal and select the Internet Radio programme or a
local music file (you can find further information in Internet Radio and Media server
Go back to the Freecom MusicPal main menu. The Now Playing menu item was
automatically added to your main menu.
Select Now Playing to get a display of what is currently playing.
When the ”Navigate“ button is pressed in the ”Now Playing“ menu, the following options
are displayed for selection:
• S
how Details Displays information on the stream currently being played.
• N
ext Favorite Play switches to the next favorite in the favorites list.
• N
ext Song Play switches to the next title.
• A
dd to Favorites Adds the stream currently being played to the favorites list.
Now Playing
Internet Radio
Media Server
Show Details
Next Song
Add to Favorites
Delete Favorite
Show Clock
Next Favorite