The BUILD key builds words from letters
that you type. It’s great for helping to solve
anagrams and other word games.
1. At
Ready for wordReady for word
Ready for wordReady for word
Ready for word, type up to 16
letters. To erase letters, press .
2. Press BUILD.
3. Press ▼ to see more words, if any.
4. Press CLEAR.
are homonyms and spelling
variants that are easy to confuse. When
you see a question mark to the left of a
word, that word has Confusables
. Press
CLEAR before trying this example.
1. Type
air. Then press ENTER.
2. Press CONF.
3. Press ▼ to see more Confusables
4. Press CLEAR.
Building WordsSeeing Confusables
word identifying word
indicates word has Confusables
From any word list, you can
return to your previous entry
by pressing ENTER. You can
clear your entry by pressing