Another way to look up words is by
highlighting them in dictionary defini-
tions, thesaurus entries, or word lists.
Then you can find their definitions, the-
saurus entries, Confusables, or add
them to your User list.
1. At any text, press ENTER to
start the highlight.
To turn the highlight off, press
2. Press the arrow keys to
highlight a word.
3. Do one of the following:
To... Press...
define the word ENTER
view a thesaurus THES
view Confusables CONF
add word to User list LIST
Highlighting Words
The Path list lets you review the last
15 words you looked up. Your Path
list is automatically saved between
sessions until the batteries lose
Reviewing Words
1. Select Path list from the
CMDS menu.
Or hold
and press P.
This is a sample Path list. If you
haven’t looked up any words, you
Path is empty
2. Highlight a word.
3. Press ENTER to define it.
4. Press THES to view a thesau-
rus entry or CONF to view its
Confusables, if any.