
Press the initial letter to make your choice. For
example, to Bet, press B, to Raise, press R and
so on.
Bet Means you want to bet on your hand.
You can bet up to $100.
Pass Means you’ll pass the bet to the
Fold Means that you want to end, and lose,
the hand.
See Means you’ll match the dealer’s bet.
Raise Means you’ll increase the dealer’s bet.
You can raise it up to $100.
Note: To type a bet, press A - P for numbers.
The pot starts at $1000, with a $10 ante (the
initial bet to start the game). If you are unable to
make a word at the time, type letters that you
are likely to use later from those you are dealt.
To erase a letter, press ARR. To continue
without typing letters, press ENTRER.
If you bet before the house does, you see a
prompt, “Pass, Bet or Fold.” If the house bets
first, you see a prompt, “See, Raise, or Fold.”
You can discard up to three letters. After
discarding, you see a message showing how
many cards, if any, the house discarded. If the
hand ends in a tie, you do not lose your money.
The pot carries on to the next hand. To try a
new hand, press ESPACE.