Export Exports data to your PC organizer applica-
tion from the organizer program on
Synchronize Synchronizes data between the organizer
program on eBookMan and your PC orga-
nizer application.
Click Options to change settings used when exchanging
data with your PC organizer application or click Browse to
map an alternate file or folder to this application.
Click Cancel to exit without saving any changes.
Click Help for additional information.
5. Click OK to accept your changes and return to the Intellisync
for eBookMan Sync Options dialog box.
6. Repeat this process for each organizer program you want to
include in the synchronization.
The eBookMan organizer programs you want to include in
the synchronization are now connected to your PC organizer
Click the Write to log file check box to create a synchro-
nization log file.
Click Cancel to return to the Desktop Manager without sav-
ing your configuration settings.
7. Click OK to save your configuration settings.
When you are finished configuring the applications, edit the
advanced settings.
Changing Advanced Settings
Each eBookMan organizer program contains advanced settings,
such as confirmation, conflict resolution, and field mappings.
These include program specific parameters and fields to be
mapped for the data exchange.
Note: These setting vary by eBookMan organizer program.
Once you have selected a translator for an organizer program,
you can change the advanced settings.
1. In the Intellisync for eBookMan Sync Options dialog box,
click the eBookMan organizer program for which you want to
change advanced settings.
User’s Guide
PC organizer
applications may
have longer fields
than eBookMan
can accept.
When the data in
your PC organizer
application fields
exceeds the num-
ber of characters
allowed in the
eBookMan organ-
izer program
fields, the portion
of the data that
exceeds the field
limit will not be
If you edit the
fields in
eBookMan, the
eBookMan data
will be considered
the newer data,
and your PC
organizer applica-
tion data WILL BE
when you next
If you do not edit
those fields in
eBookMan, your
PC organizer
application data