Cookie Information sent by a Web site and returned
by your PC each time that Web site is
accessed. In most cases, cookies identify a
user who re-visits a particular Web site, mak-
ing it unnecessary to register during each
Core application A free eBookMan program that is bundled
with the operating system. Core applications
Franklin Reader
Franklin Viewer
Audiobook Player
Music Player
Address Book
Date Book
ToDo Book
, and
Cradle The piece of equipment designed to hold
your eBookMan device and connect to your
Crosshair On your eBookMan screen, the markings (+)
used to show reference points during cali-
Desktop Manager The PC program that works with your
eBookMan device and enables you to syn-
chronize files between your PC and your
Device driver Drivers are programs on your PC that control
devices such as keyboards, printers and so
on. Your eBookMan also needs its own driver
installed on your PC in order for your PC to
recognize it and allow it to communicate with
your Desktop Manager.
Device pane In the Desktop Manager, the pane that
shows all the files and folders in RAM and
any installed MMC on your eBookMan
Download (verb) Transferring data from a server to the
memory of another computer or device.
(noun) The data transferred from a server to
the memory of another computer or device.
eBook A “soft” copy or electronic version of a book.
eBooks come in several formats and you
need a program called a Reader in order to
view these books either on your PC or a
handheld device.
User’s Guide