At the Word Entry screen, types a
? to stand for a letter in a word. At
a menu, displays a menu item. At
a dictionary entry, displays the
headword. In games, reveals the
word and forfeits the game.
Shifts to type capital letters and
punctuation marks.
Shifts to allow auf, ab, vorig
and nächste, and find phrases.
Exits the book you were reading.
Combination Keys*
+ At a dictionary entry, pages up
or down.
At a dictionary entry, displays
the next or previous entry.
+ Transfers a word between
+J Types a hyphen.
+M Types an @.
+_’ Types a slash.
+ At the Word Entry screens, types
an asterisk to stand for a series of
letters in a word. In games, gives a
Direction Keys
Move in the indicated direction.
At menus and dictionary
entries, pages down. At the
Word Entry screen, types a
*Hold the first key while pressing the second.