Viewing Personal
1. In the Learn menu, press / to
select “Personal Dictionary” and
then press OK / .
2. Press / in the dictionary
selection screen to select the one
you want and then press OK / .
3. Press / to select the entry you
want to view and press OK / .
• Youcanalsotypeinthesearcheld
to look for a word.
Editing Personal Dictionaries
Use the following soft keys:
• F4 [
]: Deletes the currently
selected dictionary or word entry.
• F5 [ ]: Erases all personal
dictionaries or all word entries.
• F3 [ ]: Edits the current entry.
Make necessary changes and then
press F1 [ ]. To quit without
saving, press F5 [ ].
• F2 [
A_ _
]: Renames a dictionary.
4.7 History
The device stores the most recently
browsed entries in the dictionaries.
Viewing History
1. In the Learn menu, press / to
select “History” and then press OK /
2. Press / to select an entry and
then press OK / to view the
entry in the related dictionary.
3. Press to return to the History.
Editing History
Use the following soft keys:
• F1 [
]: Deletes the selected entry.
• F2 [ ]: Clears the entire history.
• F5 [ ]: Exits the history.