Looking Up Words
Looking Up Words
Typing Accents and Diacritical Marks
You do not need to type accent and
diacritical marks when you are entering
words at the entry screen. They will be
added automatically. However, if you
type a word which has two forms that
are accented differently, (for example,
pelo, pêlo) just highlight the form that
you want and press
If you want to type an accent or diacritical
mark in a word, first type the desired
letter (for example,
) and then press
or until the correct mark appears.
Using the Direction Keys
Here are the ways to move around in the
dictionary entries.
To... Press...
Go to the next or previous
dictionary entry
Go to the top or bottom
of a dictionary entry
Page up or down
You can translate English words to
Portuguese and Portuguese words to
English simply by typing a word.
1. Press
2. Press
) to change the
entry language to Portuguese.
3. Type a word. For example,
type hoje.
To erase a letter press
4. Press
5. Use the Direction keys to read
the dictionary entry.
6. To see the headword of the
entry, press
? ✽
A word in boldface at the top of a
dictionary entry is the headword. This
is followed by pronunciation informa-
tion in brackets, if available, the
word’s part-of-speech abbreviation in
italics, and any guide phrases or word
categories in parentheses.
Understanding Dictionary Entries