Advanced Verb Conjugations
Conjugations show inflections, or changes in a
word’s gender, tense, etc. This dictionary
includes extensive inflections of nouns, verb,
modifiers, and other words.
From the Icon Menu
1. For example, press MENU, use the arrow
keys to highlight (Spanish
Conjugation) and then press ENTER.
To choose English conjugation, select
. You can also press CONJ and
then LANG to choose the language.
2. Type a word (e.g., estudiar).
3. Press CONJ.
If needed, highlight the part of speech or
translation you want and press ENTER.
These are the principal forms of the
Spanish verb “estuidar”. The English
translations are below each Spanish
4. Press SPACE or to scroll.
Press ? to display the root word.
5. Press either CONJ or hold FN and press
repeatedly to view more inflections.