Note: Click Franklin PC View in
the left pane of the Reader at any
time to return to the Library of
your device.
7. Try the following examples to
get familiar with the Franklin PC
View™ feature.
Looking Up Words
1. Click Franklin PC View.
2. Click PONS Großwörterbuch
Deutsch-Englisch and then click
3. Type entdecken and press
ENTER on your PC keyboard.
The dictionary entry is displayed.
4. Press the right or left arrow
keys to page up or down and
read the text.
Note: Any available Soft Keys are
displayed across the bottom of
the window.
Click... To...
go to the empty
English word search
look up any inections
for “entdecken”.
look up a grammar
topic describing verbs.
add “entdecken” to My
German Vocabulary
Using the
Franklin PC View™ Feature
Please remember, the Soft Keys
vary based on the book you are
in. These are the Soft Keys while
in the PONS Großwörterbuch
5. Press Backspace to return to
the word search screen and
search for another word.
6. Click Franklin PC View to return
to the list of eBooks stored on
your device.
Note: Music les, your search
history, most games and organizer
functions cannot be used from
the Franklin PC View feature.
To access any Audible™ format
audio books on your PC, open the
Finding Inections
1. From within the entry for
entdecken, click .
If needed, click the part of speech
or translation you want.
The principal forms of the German
verb “entdecken” are displayed.
In the DUDEN Deutsches
Universalwörterbuch, the root
word is displayed at the top of the
2. Press the right or left arrow
keys to page up or down and
read the text.
Using the
Franklin PC View™ Feature