A Amp or amperage
AWG American Wire Gauge
BJT Bipolar Junction Transistor
°C Degree Celsius
CB Control Box
CRC Capacitor Run Control
DI Deionized
Dv/dt Rise Time of the Voltage
EFF Effi ciency
°F Degree Fahrenheit
FDA Federal Drug Administration
FL Full Load
ft Foot
ft-lb Foot Pound
ft/s Feet per Second
GFCI Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter
gpm Gallon per Minute
HERO High Effi ciency Reverse Osmosis
hp Horsepower
Hz Hertz
ID Inside Diameter
IGBT Insulated Gate Bipolar Transistor
in Inch
kVA Kilovolt Amp
kVAR Kilovolt Amp Rating
kW Kilowatt (1000 watts)
L1, L2, L3 Line One, Line Two, Line Three
lb-ft Pound Feet
L/min Liter per Minute
mA Milliamp
max Maximum
MCM Thousand Circular Mils
mm Millimeter
MOV Metal Oxide Varister
NEC National Electrical Code
NEMA National Electrical Manufacturer
Nm Newton Meter
NPSH Net Positive Suction Head
OD Outside Diameter
OL Overload
PF Power Factor
psi Pounds per Square Inch
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
QD Quick Disconnect
R Resistance
RMA Return Material Authorization
RMS Root Mean Squared
rpm Revolutions per Minute
SF Service Factor
SFhp Service Factor Horsepower
S/N Serial Number
TDH Total Dynamic Head
UNF Fine Thread
V Voltage
VAC Voltage Alternating Current
VDC Voltage Direct Current
VFD Variable Frequency Drive
W Watts
XFMR Transformer
Y-D Wye-Delta
Ω ohms