
22 Fortinet Inc.
Fortinet documentation Introduction
execute restore config <filename_str>
You enter restore config myfile.bak
<xxx_str> indicates an ASCII string variable keyword.
<xxx_integer> indicates an integer variable keyword.
<xxx_ip> indicates an IP address variable keyword.
vertical bar and curly brackets {|} to separate alternative, mutually exclusive
required keywords
For example:
set system opmode {nat | transparent}
You can enter set system opmode nat or set system opmode
square brackets [ ] to indicate that a keyword is optional
For example:
get firewall ipmacbinding [dhcpipmac]
You can enter get firewall ipmacbinding or
get firewall ipmacbinding dhcpipmac
Fortinet documentation
Information about FortiGate products is available from the following FortiGate User
Manual volumes:
Volume 1: FortiGate Installation and Configuration Guide
Describes installation and basic configuration for the FortiGate unit. Also describes
how to use FortiGate firewall policies to control traffic flow through the FortiGate
unit and how to use firewall policies to apply antivirus protection, web content
filtering, and email filtering to HTTP, FTP, and email content passing through the
FortiGate unit.
Volume 2: FortiGate VPN Guide
Contains in-depth information about FortiGate IPSec VPN using certificates, pre-
shared keys and manual keys for encryption. Also contains basic configuration
information for the Fortinet Remote VPN Client, detailed configuration information
for FortiGate PPTP and L2TP VPN, and VPN configuration examples.
Volume 3: FortiGate Content Protection Guide
Describes how to configure antivirus protection, web content filtering, and email
filtering to protect content as it passes through the FortiGate unit.