Position No., & Save: The range is from 0 to 63. "0" delegates the original position.
You can select the proper value when you has rotated the antenna.
Go to X: Press OK key to pop up the drop-down list, select the proper position
(reference or from 1to 63) to realize the selected position.
West <Save> East: Press key to turn west, while press key to turn east.
Press OK key to pop up the dialogue "Are you sure to change this satellite's
position?". Press OK key at the Yes button to save the current position, or press OK
key at the No button to cancel the operation.
Recalculation: Press OK key to pop up the dialogue "Are you sure to change this
satellite's position?". Press OK key at the Yes button to recalculation.
5. Limit Setup: Press OK key to pop up the Limit
Setup window.
Limit Setup: Press keys to switch among
Disable Limit, East Limit and W est Limit.
Limit Setup: Move cursor to the Limit Setup
button. You can press key to turn west , or
press key to turn east.
Go to Reference: Press OK key to go to reference.
If you select Disable Limit in the above Limit Setup
item, this button will turn grey.
6. If select USALS, Delete All item will turn grey.
Local Longitude, Local Latitude: Press
keys to switch between West and East, or press
keys to switch between North and South.
Press OK key to enter into the editing mode. Use
numeric keys (0-9) to input the longitude or
latitude, press MENU key or EXIT key to exit. The
range of the longitude is from 0 to 180,while the
range of the latitude is from 0 to 90. If the inputted
value is not in this range, system will pop up a
dialogue "Out of Range" when you exit from this
window. You can press OK key to close this