Setting Up the VR101
Starting EventView
Sending the Setup to the Recorder
and as a consequence,
Clearing all events from the recorder
1. Place the wand into the optical port of the recorder.
2. If you have changed threshold settings or you are
leaving the settings the way they are, click Send
Setup/Clear Recorder button.
If you are changing the recorder’s settings to the
default settings, click Default Setup and then click
Send Setup/Clear Logger button.
3. In the dialog box that appears, click Yes to confirm
that all previous events will be cleared from the
The new settings will be saved in the recorder.
4. Remove the optical wand from the recorder.
The recorder will begin monitoring as soon as it is
plugged into a standard convenience outlet.
Plugging in and unplugging the recorder can
cause invalid events being captured.
Starting Event Recording
The VR101 does not start recording until the wand has
been removed from the recorder’s optical port. After
approximately 16 seconds, the VR101 will begin to
record voltage events. Recording can also be initiated
by deactivating the red Scan button on the EventView
toolbar. You may then leave the wand in the recorder’s
optical port.