© 2007 DH Instruments, a Fluke Company Page 52
1. Full scale of the AutoTest with pressure unit of
measure and measurement mode.
2. Number of test points executed/total number
of points in the AutoTest.
3. Date and time that the last point in the
AutoTest was executed.
6000 psig 6/6
20050922 10:51:01 am
Press [+/-] or [→] to scroll through the headers of the other AutoTest data files
available. RPM4 stores up to ten AutoTest data files in order of execution with a
new data file pushing all the files back and deleting the oldest one. When the
header of the AutoTest data file you would like to view appears, press [ENT] to
view the first point of the identified AutoTest data file.
The display is:
1. RPM4 reading logged for the test point.
2. Head, AutoZ and Q-RPT indicator (same as in
the RPM4 main run screen) (see Section
3. Indication that this is an AutoTest data file
view screen.
4. <FA> indicating that the AutoTest was a File
AutoTest or <QA> indicating a Quick
AutoTest. This is preceded by <OT> if the
test point was out of tolerance (definition of
out of tolerance is Set point – RPM4 reading >
DUT tolerance).
5. Number of this test point over total number of
points in the AutoTest.
0.00 psig hzHi
View data FA 1/10
Press [ENT] to move to the next data point. Press [←] or [→] to scroll backward
and forward through the test points. The data file header is between the first
point and the last point.
Press [ESC] to exit the data file. Confirmation is required to exit the data view
Up to ten data files are buffered, ten at a time, in RPM4 memory. When a new
AutoTest run is completed, its data file goes to front of the queue and the oldest
data file is deleted. FILE
To view and edit File AutoTest definition files.
RPM4 supports AutoTests (see Section 3.3.10, PRINCIPLE). There are two
types of AutoTests:
• Quick AutoTests in which the DUT and test parameters are entered “on the
fly” during the initialization of the test.
• File AutoTests in which the DUT and test parameters are stored in a file and
retrieved when the file is selected to run an AutoTest.
File AutoTest parameters are stored in definition files. [SETUP], <5AutoTest>,
<2file> allows File AutoTest definition files to be viewed and edited. Up to 40
File AutoTest definition files with up to 21 test points in each file can be created.