True RMS Multimeters
Accuracy ± ( [ % of Reading ] + [ Counts ] )
Function Range Resolution Model 110 Model 111 Model 112
DC Amps
(Models 111 and 112)
6.000 A
10.00 A continuous or
20 A overload for 30
seconds maximum
0.001 A
0.01 A
NA 1.0 % + 3 1.0 % + 3
(V or A input ) 99.99 Hz
999.9 Hz
9.999 kHz
50.00 kHz
0.01 Hz
0.1 Hz
0.001 kHz
0.01 kHz
0.1 % + 2 0.1 % + 2 0.1 % + 2
MIN MAX AVG Accuracy
and Response Time
Accuracy is the specified accuracy of the measurement function ± 12 digits for changes >275 ms in duration
(± 40 digits in AC). Typical response time: 100 ms to 80 % of signal, except V AC and A AC.
1. AC voltage ranges are specified from 5% of range to 100% of range.
2. Crest factor of
3 at full scale up to 300 V, decreasing linearly to crest factor
1.5 at 600 V.
3. The 6000 mV range can only be entered in Manual Range mode.
4. For film capacitors.
5. Crest factor of
3. AC current is not specified below 3A.
6. Hz is specified from 5 Hz to 50 kHz in volts, from 50 Hz to 5 kHz in amps.
Function Input Impedance (Nominal) Common Mode Rejection Ratio Normal Mode Rejection
Volts AC > 5 MΩ < 100 pF > 60 dB at DC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Volts DC > 10 MΩ < 100 pF > 100 dB at DC, 50 Hz or 60 Hz > 50 dB at 50 Hz or 60 Hz
Full Scale Voltage
Open Circuit Test Voltage To 6 MΩ 40 MΩ Short Circuit Current
< 1.5 V DC < 600 mV DC < 1.5V DC < 500 µA
Diode test
2.4 to 3.0 V DC 2.400 V DC 1.2 mA typical