Choosing the right detergent
Your AquaSmart™ is a High Efficiency clothes washer and needs Low Sudsing Detergent to
prevent oversudsing problems. This is the same type of detergent Front Loaders use and are
labelled, “Lows Suds”, “Matic” or “High Efficiency”.
We recommend the use of liquid detergents for best results. If you wish to use powdered
detergent, dissolve in water first before adding to the dispenser.
There are both liquid and powdered Low Sudsing detergents. Some examples are:
FAB® Front Loader concentrate
PERSIL® Low Suds
OMO® Matic
When washing woollens use a wool detergent but use it sparingly as these are usually very high
foaming. Do not use soap flakes or soap powders.
How much detergent?
Use the instructions on the back of the detergent packet as a guide to the correct amount to use.
The correct amount of detergent will vary depending on the amount of soil in your clothes and
the size of your load. Jeans and work clothes may need more and towels less.
As a starting point:
Use one cap full for a large load and reduce or increase
the dosage as required.
For a small load (eg. 4 – 5 t-shirts) use ¼ cap.
If you have over-foaming problems reduce your dosage.
If your clothes are not clean enough, try using a bit more.
Where do I put my detergent?
Pour your detergent into the detergent dispenser, located
on the left side of the washer.
We recommend that you measure your detergent first.
If you use powdered detergent, we recommend that you
dissolve it in water before adding it to the dispenser.
You will notice that most of the detergent placed in the dispenser will fall into the machine. It
will remain in an area separated from your clothes until the machine begins to fill. As the washer
fills, the dispenser will be flushed of any residue. The detergent is then mixed with water, and
specially designed ribs at the bottom of the bowl help to rapidly dissolve the detergent to
ensure optimum wash performance.
When washing in very cold water or on the quicker cycles (eg. DELICATE) dissolving the
detergent in warm water before pouring it down the dispenser will improve wash performance.
Fig.10 Adding detergent to
the detergent dispenser