
English 58
Playing back a video clip
Follow these steps to play back a video clip.
Normal playback
iPress the SET button.
iWhile the video clip is playing, toggle the SET button up. To resume
playback, press the SET button.
To play back one image at a time
(single-frame step)
iDuring forward playback
After pausing playback, toggle the SET button to the right.
For slow playback, press and hold the SET button to the right.
iDuring reverse playback
After pausing playback, toggle the SET button to the left.
For slow reverse playback, press and hold the SET button to the left.
To accelerate playback
iFast forward playback is possible at 2x (forward only), 5x, 10x and 15x.
iToggle the SET button to the left or right during playback to activate fast
iThe playback speed changes each time the SET button is toggled to the
left or right.
During forward payback, toggle SET button to the right
Normal playback 2x 5x 10x 15x
* Toggle the SET button to the left to return to normal playback speed.
During reverse payback, toggle SET button to the left
15x 10x 5x Normal playback
* Toggle the SET button to the right to return to normal playback speed.
iReturn to normal playback speed
Press the SET button.