
2. Select a city, as follows:
z Scroll through the list using the scroll keys at the right of the list.
z Tap in characters using the keypad at the bottom of the screen.
3. Tap on the OK button. The Enter POI Name screen displays.
4. Select a POI as follows:
z Scroll through the list by using the scroll keys at the right of the list.
z Tap in characters using the keypad at the bottom of the screen.
5. Tap on the OK button. The POI Select screen displays.
6. Tap on one of the following buttons at the bottom of the screen:
z Nav to calculate the route and center in on the map location.
z Fav to add this location to your list of favorite locations.
z Map to set this location as the starting route point for your trip.
4.2.7. Setting a Destination from the Favorites Location List
1. Tap Favorites on the Set Destination screen. The Favorite Destination screen displays.
This screen lists all locations that you saved as favorites. You can use the up and down
arrows at the bottom of the screen to move through the list.
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