
Lowest part of boat.
= -Keel offset
Water line
Depth Sounder “Settings” Menu
There are four items in the Depth Sounder
“Settings” Menu: Shallow Alarm, Deep
Alarm, Keel Offset, and Units. Briefly
pressing the “Mode” button cycles
through the menu items.
The microprocessor will automatically
record the new settings as you adjust
Shallow Alarm
Pressing the “Up” or “Down” button
changes the setting for the Shallow Alarm.
Setting the Shallow Alarm to zero turns
off the alarm. To have this alarm indicate
the depth of water under the deepest part
of the hull, the Keel Offset must be
properly set.
Deep Alarm
Pressing the “Up” or “Down” button
changes the setting for the Deep Alarm.
Setting the Deep Alarm to zero turns off
the alarm.
Keel Offset
Pressing the “Up” or “Down” button
changes the setting for the Keel Offset.
Negative numbers indicate that the Depth
Sounder transducer is located ABOVE the
deepest part of the hull (typical). Allow
for worst case boat loading when
adjusting the Keel Offset as this setting
affects the Shallow Alarm.
Pressing the “Up” or “Down” button
cycles the units of measurement for the
Depth Sounder between
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