RESTRICTED USE ONLY Fargo Electronics, Inc.
HDPii High Definition Card Printer/Encoder User Guide (Rev. 1.1)
Printer Components: Card Output Hopper and Reject Hopper
Type Description
Card Output
All standard Card Printers provide a 100 card capacity Card Output
Hopper (based on a standard 30 mil card thickness). (Note: This
Hopper stores the cards after they are printed.) Shown in the lower
• Once set in place, the Input Hopper is secured with a latch that
is deactivated by a lever located in an area with restricted
• Reject hopper functionality when connected to the Output
Module. The storage is available on the output tray.
Good Card
The Printer has a 100 card Output Hopper for good cards. The
good cards are stacked in a location that is covered during normal
Reject Hopper The Printer has a 10 to 20 card Output Hopper for reject cards. The
reject cards are stacked in a location that is locked during normal
Exception Feed The Printer has a simple single card exception feed that can be
initiated by an external command.
Once this command is sent, the Printer waits for the insertion of the
exception card into the exception feed slot, located at the top of the
A card (inserted into this card slot prior to this command) may
cause the Printer to jam when printing occurs.