
www.rletech.com 30 970.484.6510
A Modbus Configuration Via Telnet
Enable MODBUS? (N)?
Enter Y to enable Modbus and N to disable it. When Modbus is disabled, the F110 will not
actively listen on the Modbus TCP port for Modbus requests.
MODBUS Port: (502)
By default, the F110 listens for Modbus requests on TCP port 502. This port can be changed to
any valid TCP port number although it is recommended to leave it set for port 502 to ensure
compatibility with other Modbus devices on the network.
Should IP List Allow or Deny Connections (0=Allow, 1=Deny):
The F110 is configured by default to deny connections from any IP addresses listed in the
Modbus IP list. When all IP addresses in this list are set to default ( the F110 will deny
connections from no devices. In other words, by default the F110 allows connections from all IP
addresses. This can be modified if desired so that the F110 will only allow connections from IP
addresses appearing in the IP list. Selecting “0=Allow” will only allow connections from the IP
addresses provided in the list and deny connections from all other addresses. Selecting
“1=Deny” will deny connections from all address in the list but accept from all other addresses.
Enter IP addresses for MODBUS Security:
Up to three (3) IP addresses can be specified and added to the Modbus IP list. This list can be
used to either allow or deny connections if the IP address that the request originated from
matches an IP address in the list. To configure IP addresses, enter each IP address when
prompted or enter to leave blank.
Save Changes And Exit
When configuration changes are complete, press 9 and Enter to save the changes and exit. The
F110 will reboot and apply the new settings.