The multi-function keyboard controller, EKB500 is designed to control
speed dome, integrated DVR, camera, access control and monitor. The
EKB500 provides a programmable user’s preferences for extending the
flexibility of customers’ requests and furthermore the local alarm signal can be
carried out to a remote operation center through RS-485 port in security
network system. The access control module will be built to connect the
keyboard in the near future.
There are 3 hot keys for major functions of the speed dome camera,
Digital Video Recorder, and monitor, allowing you to switch functions without
complicated operation. The EKB500 is capable of controlling a speed dome’s
panning and tilting movement with variable speed from 0.1r/sec to 360°/sec as
well as its zoom, focus and iris commands can be performed by one-touch
button. Pan/tilt speed is adjustable automatically to the current camera zoom
ratio. In the meantime, keyboard configuration can be set to control up to 8
keyboards with cascading topology in different places.
The design philosophy of our design team believes even the most
powerful system is pointless if it isn't easy to install, configure, and simple to
operate. Its easy installation and simple configuration give you that feasibility
of total security solution.