This DVR provides 8 line level audio input and 1 line level audio output.
ATTENTION: The direct connection of a non-amplified microphone is not supported (a microphone
amplifier is required). The audio output requires an amplifier to drive a speaker or headphones.
The installation must be connected with audio coax cable and RCA plugs.
Audio channels are assigned to the video channels 1~8 for recording and export. Activation of audio
recording is done in CAMERA > BASIC menu.
Please check and always comply with local laws and regulations when using audio recording.
The audio channel is always recorded together with video and is independent of the image recording rate.
The alarm input can be used to start recording or for recording rate adjustment. In addition, alarm reactions
such as camera display on the monitor, buzzer, e-mail and network alarm are available. The alarm output
relay can be switched if required. Alarm input response actions can be controlled according to a flexible
2.3.1 Alarm Input Contacts
This DVR provides one alarm input per camera. The input is programmable N.O. (Normal Open) or N.C.
(Normal Closed) Input has to be switched by dry contacts.
Alarm input with N.O. (Normal Open) contact Alarm input with N.C. (Normal Closed) contact
in idle state in idle state
All settings are programmed in the ALARM menu.
2.3.2 Alarm Output Relay
The relay outputs provide either Normally Open or Normally Closed dry contacts.