
FireBall™ MP-200 User’s Manual
The following table is used to determine the button sequence for direct access code sequences from the Escient IR remote and IR keyboard.
Direct Media Access IR Remote Definitions
Function Multi-Key Combinations
Direct Play Mode Macro, M, [play mode number], Enterr
Direct Artist-Title Macro, A, [artist-title access number], Enter
Direct Movie Title Macro, V, [movie title access number], Enter
Direct iRadio Station Macro, R, [iRadio access number], Enter
Direct Disc Macro, C, [changer number], D, [disc number], Enter
Direct Track Macro, T, [track number], Enter
Direct Playlist Macro, P, [playlist access number], Enter
Direct Group Macro, G, [group access number], Enter
Example 1: Use the keyboard to play disc 14 in changer 1.
Press: MACRO, C, 1, D, 1, 4, ENTER
Example 2: Use the keyboard to play playlist number 5
Press: MACRO, P, 5, ENTER
Example 3: Use the remote to play disc 14 in changer 1.
Press: MACRO, 2, 1, MACRO, 1, 4, ENTER