6325 Digital Way Indianapolis, IN 46278 317.616.6789 phone 317.616.6790 fax www.escient.com
08 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
81 = System Music Groups (sorted by Title)
82 = User Music Groups (sorted by Title)
87 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Title)
88 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Title)
91 = System Music Groups (sorted by Song)
92 = User Music Groups (sorted by Song)
97 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
98 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
cccc = group number
dddd = title/station number (song number if sorted by Song)
eeee = track number (ignored if sorted by Song)
20 15 Delete music track from a playlist
20 ESCX20150030004aaaa0002bb0004cccc
aaaa = which playlist to change (number in the Playlists group, which
indicates both the playlist and the track if sorted by Song)
bb = which list to get Playlist group from, where
01 = System Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
07 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Artist)
81 = System Music Groups (sorted by Title)
87 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Title)
91 = System Music Groups (sorted by Song)
97 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
cccc = track number (ignored if sorted by Song)
20 16 Create a new empty playlist
20 ESCX2016001aaaabbbbbbbb
aaaa = length of name of the new playlist
bbbb = name of the new playlist
20 17 Generate a list of random tracks from a group
20 ESCX20170050002aa0004bbbb0004cccc0004dddd0004eeee
aa = which list to get groups from, where
91 = System Music Groups (sorted by Song)
92 = User Music Groups (sorted by Song)
97 = System HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
98 = User HardDrive Music Groups (sorted by Song)
bbbb = group number to get tracks for
cccc = starting track number ( if 0, assume first track in group)
dddd = ending track number ( if 0, assume last track in group )
eeee = max number of tracks to be returned
Reply Format: ESCX2017xxxTRACK1INFOTRACK2INFOetc…,
Where xxx = total number of tracks multiplied by 2,
Each TRACK is made of two items so:
TRACK1INFO = wwwwxxxxyyyyzzzzzzz
wwww = length of track number