1. A 25-ft., 12-conductor cable with 14-pin (@ UEC-8)
extension cables with 19-pin (@ power source)
amphenols at each end to connect the UEC-8 to the
650 cvcc power source, P/N 34135.
Also available are extension cables with 19-pin
amphenols at each as follows:
30-ft., 19-conductor cable ...................... P/N 34378
60-ft., 19-conductor cable ...................... P/N 34377
2. Two-single conductor voltage pickup cables; 6-ft. long,
P/N 996806; or 25-ft. long, P/N 996805.
3. D. C. Analog meters as follows: Voltmeter, 0-80 volts,
P/N 2062416; Ammeter, 0-800 amps, P/N 2062422,
and Trimpot assembly P/N 997507. The trimpot ad-
justs the ammeter to match the power source amme-
ter for precise current readings.
4. Flux Manual/Auto Switch Kit, P/N 996369. This
switch can be used to operate an (optional) automatic
flux gate P/N 01E62 (ordered separately).
To install the switch, refer to the schematic and wiring
diagrams in this booklet, and to instructions packed
with the kit.
1. Motor Extension Cable P/N 996808. Provides an ex-
tra 25-ft. of cable between the welding head and the
2. Touch Work Kit, P/N 997868: (Recommended for
sub-arc welding; for use only in D.C. applications.)
The touch work kit senses contact between the weld-
ing wire and workpiece, automatically stopping the
wire when contact is established and lighting the touch
work light. For installation, refer to Figs. 7 and 8 and
the instruction literature packed with the kit.
3. Voltage Raise/Lower Switch Kit, P/N 953559: (For use
only with power supplies with motorized control. The
remote voltage control consists of a switch and
silkscreened mounting plate. The switch is installed
in the UEC-8 to control the voltage when the power
supply is not located near the control. For installa-
tion, refer to instructions packed with kit.
Since the operating controls are in the control front panel
the box should be mounted so that the meters and con-
trols are within easy reach and view of the operator. The
control can be mounted on a sidebeam carriage or other
vertical surface by means of the two holes provided on
back of the control.
Before performing any installation inside the con-
trol, disconnect the electrical power cable at the re-
ceptacle (P6) on the control.
1. With the UEC-8 cover removed, install the two analog
meters using screws supplied with the meters. (Volt-
meter on left, ammeter at right, as viewed from the
front.) Connect meter leads in UEC-8 control as fol-
Ammeter leads: Violet (-) to in-line connector P10
Blue (+) to in-line connector P11
Voltmeter leads: Positive (+) terminal to Yellow lead
from TB1-5, Negative (-) terminal to
Violet lead from TB1-6
Be careful when making the following adjustment
so as not to touch other components. Touching other
components could result in damage to the unit or
personal injury.
2. The trimpot calibrates the ammeter for applications
where the control is more than 25-ft. from the power
supply. On the rear of the ammeter, mount trimpot
assembly so that the adjusting screw is at the top of
the meter, as you are looking at the chassis. Connect
trimpot leads to terminal points for ammeter as shown
in D-1 above. Under actual welding conditions, re-
move the UEC-8 cover and adjust the trimpot adjust-
ing screw to bring the control ammeter reading in line
with the power supply ammeter reading.
Make the required cable connections in accordance with
the interconnection diagram, Fig. 1, and the following:
1. Connect the 14-pin Amphenol of the 12-conductor
cable to the receptacle (P6) on the side of the con-
trol. Connect the 19-pin Amphenol to the power sup-
ply as shown in Fig. 1.
NOTE: When using DC power and making ammeter
connections from power supply to two leads
of 12-cond. cable connected to control via the
14-pin receptacle, the polarity MUST be proper
or the weld current detector will not operate
and the control will not properly sequence.
2. Connect the motor cable to receptacle (P7) on the side
of the control. See Note 1 on Fig. 1.
3. Connect the plug end of the voltage pick-up cable to