Chapter 5
• LNB 22 kHz – this check box allows the LNB 22 kHz signal to be activated.
Any changes which are made to the Configuration page may be confirmed by
selecting the Apply Changes button. Selecting the Refresh button will ensure that
the latest information is being displayed from the current values of the equipment.
5.2.7 Input Main Page (I/P Input Card RX8XX/HWO/GIGE fitted)
This page allows the user to view and edit the various inputs to the receiver. To view
this page, select the Input tab from the top of the current web page.
Figure 5.19 Input Main Page (IP Card fitted)
The following user-editable fields are displayed on this web page:
• Input Source – allows a choice of Source Selection Mode from the drop-down
• Primary Input – allows selection of the primary input to the receiver.
• Input Loss Switch Period – allows the user to define a period, in seconds,
before the unit switches to the alternate input (either Input Source or Primary).
• Return to Primary – checking this box specifies that when the Primary is locked
the unit will always return to the Primary after a timeout period.
• Primary Lock Switch Period - allows the user to define a period, in minutes,
before switching back to Primary, if Primary is not currently selected.
• Null Pkt Override – checking this box causes the input to switch when the unit
detects a Transport Stream with more null packets than are defined in the
percentage threshold item.
• ASI TS Null Pkt Threshold – allows the user to determine the ASI null packet
occupancy percentage before switch.
EN/LZT 790 0005 R1A