
the operating channel, mode, or specific Channel
Guard encode/decode tones. See MODE/CHAN-
NEL/CG SELECTION for details. A stop plate may
be installed under the knob to limit the maximum
number of positions to less than sixteen (16). It is
normally factory installed for fifteen (15) positions.
Some radios may be programmed with this knob
Pressing the PTT BUTTON on the side of the
radio will enable the radio’s transmitter. The "TX"
status flag in the display will turn on when the radio
is transmitting. Releasing the PTT BUTTON will re-
turn operation to receive mode.
The MONITOR BUTTON is used to unsquelch
the receiver. Momentarily pressing this button will
disable squelch and the receiver noise will be heard
in the speaker.
If programmed enabled for the selected channel,
Channel Guard (CG) and/or Type 99 (T99) signalling
will be enabled when the channel is selected. If CG
and/or T99 are enabled, the appropriate status flag
"CG" and/or "T99" will turn on. The MONITOR BUT-
TON may then be used to toggle CG and/or T99
between disabled and enabled by pressing and hold-
ing it for at least one (1) second; the appropriate
status flag will toggle on or off. The MONITOR BUT-
TON is also used to reset T99 operation after a call
is received.
The EMERGENCY BUTTON is the small red
button located on top of the radio near the antenna.
If this button is programmed for emergency opera-
tion, pressing it for at least one (1) second will cause
the radio to transmit GE-STAR emergency signalling.
The "EMG" status flag will turn on. GE-STAR is
transmitted according to one of several different pro-
grammable methods. See EMERGENCY OPERA-
TION for details.
This button may also be programmed as an home
mode button. If programmed in this manner, pressing
it will switch operation to the programmed home