
Entering and storing the area code:
1. Press M an then enter 17. ‘‘AREA OFF’’ is
2. Press any numeric key. ‘‘CHG AREA’’ is displayed.
3. Press S. ‘‘ENTER AREA’’ is displayed.
4. Enter the area code you want.
5. To store the area code and turn the Area Code
facility ON, press S, or .
Turning the Area Code facility ON or OFF:
1. Press M an then enter 17. The current setting is
displayed, either ‘‘AREA CODE’’, together with the
area code or ‘‘AREA OFF’’.
2. Press any numeric key. Either ‘‘AREA OFF’’ or
‘‘AREA CODE’’, is displayed, together with the
area code.
3. Store the new setting by pressing S, or .
Replacing the existing area code:
1. Press M an then enter 17. Either ‘‘AREA CODE’’,
together with the area code, or ‘‘AREA OFF’’ is
2. Press any numeric key twice. ‘‘CHG AREA’’ is
Proceed as described under steps 3, 4 and 5 in Entering
and storing the area code above.
18. Battery Discharge
You can discharge the battery attached to the phone with this
Special Function.
1. Press M and enter 18.
‘‘DISCHRG OF’’ is displayed.
2. Press any numeric key.
‘‘DISCHRG ON’’ is displayed.
3. Press S to start discharging the battery.
You can read more about this in the chapter Batteries and
Recharging. Refer to the section Recharging.
19. Battery Voltage
You can read off the voltage of the attached battery.
1. Press M and then enter 19. ‘‘VOLT’’ is displayed,
followed by two digits, which represent the battery
Note that a space is shown instead of a decimal
point. ‘‘ 6 3" , for example, means 6.3 volts.
The voltage of a fully charged battery is at least 6.8
-- a battery which is almost empty has a voltage of
6.1, or less.
2. Press C to leave the Special Functions, or or
to move on to another Special Function.
Special Functions