
BusinessPhone Call Centre Supervisor - Standard
Installation Guide
EN/LZT BS 102 063/S R2B
The utility is accessed via an Icon in the Ericsson CCS Program Group which has
been created by the setup program. If you are not familiar with the Borland Da-
tabase Configuration Utility we recommend that you run the Configuration Util-
ity and become familiar with it before attempting any changes (use the help to
see what each field is and how the utility expects you to enter data and acknowl-
edge changes).
The following list identifies all of the Aliases required by the System. The ? in
each alias must be set with the absolute path name that defines the correct data
files directory.
When the utility starts the Drivers page is displayed as the default page.
CCAppConfig ?\data\config
CCAppHistoric ?\data\historic
CCAEventProc ?\data\schedule
CCAppDynamic ?\data\dynamic
CCAppPrograms ?\data\programs
CCAppSystem ?\data\system
CCAppUsers ?\data\users
CCAppReports ?\data\reports
CCAppTemp ?\data\temp
CCAppGrpViews ?\data\views\acdques
CCAppQueViews ?\data\views\groups
CCAppWboard ?\data\wboard
CCAppReportScripts ?\reports