BusinessPhone 250 / BusinessPhone 50
Standard Telephone / Economyplus Telephone
GENERAL This chapter describes optional features that can be used
together with your BusinessPhone telephone.
OPTION UNIT The Option unit DBY 410 02 is an optional accessory, to be
installed on the bottom of your telephone set. The following
devices can be installed via the Option unit:
• Tape recorder
• Extra bell or busy indication outside your door
• Enhanced headset functionality or a conference unit
Note: Regarding the headset functions see previous section.
• PC sound card
• Second handset
Note:For people with impaired hearing the Option unit offers
the possibility to amplify the receiving volume in the handset
and headset.
EXTRA HANDSET Useful for involving a second person in your conversation,
for talking or just listening.
TAPE RECORDER When a recording of the telephone conversation is needed,
for evidence purposes, a tape recorder can be connected.