
BusinessPhone 250 / BusinessPhone 50
Standard Telephone / Economyplus Telephone
MUTE You have an ongoing conversation.
Press to switch the microphones on or off
When the lamp lights, the caller will not be able to hear
the conversation in your room.
INQUIRY During an ongoing conversation you like to make an inquiry
to an internal or external party.
Inquiry Press
The first call is put on hold (the lamp flashes slowly).
Call the third party
When the third party answers you can switch between the
calls, create a conference and end one of the calls.
End inquiry
Press to end the inquiry call
The second call is disconnected.
Line Press to retake the first call
Now you are connected to the first party.
REFER BACK You have an ongoing conversation on e.g. Line 2 and want to
refer back to the parked call on Line 1. The lamp flashes at
the parked call.
Line 1 Press to park the second call
First call is connected.
Inquiry or Line 2 Press to park the first call
Second call is connected.
Press to end the ongoing call