X K 3 1 9 0 - A 1
3 Err 21 Calibrating data have been lost in RAM and EPROM, Operator must
in the calibration plug, then reenter the original calibration data, turn
on the indicator again or re-calibrate it.
4 Err 22 EPROM has been damaged.
5 Err 23 RAM has been damaged.
6.6 Other information indicating
1. Err 24 In normal operation, you must pull off the calibration jumper.The
indicator is under normal operation, and the calibration jumper shouldn’t be put in. If
calibration is needed, the calibration jumper should be put in at set-up. You should pull
out the calibration jump when turning off the indicator. If the indicator finds that the
calibration jump was inserted when turning on, it will display Err 24 for 6 seconds
prompt the operator.
2 Err 25 Illegal software, or E2PROM was damaged
12 groups of date constitutes of a frame
Date No. in a frame explanation
1 02 (X ON) , start
2 + or - ,
3 Weight date
4 Weight date
5 Weight date
6 Weight date
7 Weight date
8 Weight date
9 Decimal position, from right to left (0 – 4)
10 Checking XRL, higher 4 bits
11 Checking XRL, lower 4 bits
12 03 (X OFF) END