
Office Mode
You can quickly scan text documents and adjust them on a preview screen. You can also select
various image adjustment options and preview your scanned image.
Professional Mode
You can manually customize all available settings, and preview and size your scanned image.
Parent topic: Selecting Epson Scan Settings
Selecting the Scan Mode
Select the Epson Scan mode you want to use from the Mode box in the upper right corner of the Epson
Scan window:
Parent topic: Selecting Epson Scan Settings
Scanning in Office Mode
When you scan in Office Mode, Epson Scan automatically saves your scanned file in PDF format in your
operating system's Documents or My Documents folder, or opens it in your scanning program. You can
select settings, preview, and change the scanned file settings as necessary.
1. Start Epson Scan and select Office Mode as the Mode setting.