
EPSON FX-2180 Service Manual Chapter 5 Adjustments
After you select the factory setting, you see the Main menu.
Program : J****** Setting : *****
9 pins VR 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0
[ Main MENU ]
(1) Bi-d Adjust (6) Envelope
(2) FF paper (7) ---- N/A ----
(3) A3 Cut sheet > (8) -- SUB MENU
(4) A4 1P Cut sheet
(5) A4 6P Cut sheet
Figure 5-17. Main Menu
Use the or key to highlight SUB MENU and press Enter. You see
the following submenu:
Program : J****** Setting : *****
9 pins VR 0 = 0 VR 1 = 0 VR 2 = 0
[ Sub MENU ]
(1) Memory SW Print (6) EEPROM Print
(2) EEPROM Reset (7) -- EXIT
>(3) TPE Adjust
(4) Pitch 1P
(5) Pitch 20P
Figure 5-18. Submenu
Use the or key to highlight TPE Adjust and press Enter.
Insert an A4-size sheet of paper into the printer’s rear paper guide.
Make sure the paper is positioned in the portrait orientation. The TPE
check pattern and the current TPE position value is printed, as shown
in Figure 5-19.
Measure the distance from the top of the paper to the 0 level line, as
shown below. Check whether the distance equals 0.335 inches
± 0.020 inches (8.5 mm ± 0.5 mm).
-9 -6 -3 0 3 6 9
TPE position = 00,
Figure 5-19. TOF Measurement
After the page is printed, you see the following menu:
< TPE adjustment >
TPE Pos. = 0
Exit Print Value Write Default
[ESC] [SPACE] [ (0-9)] [RET] [HOME]
Figure 5-20. TPE Adjustment Menu
If your TOF measurement is not equal to 0.335 inches ± 0.020 inches
(8.5 mm ± 0.5 mm), use the or key to change the TOF value. Then
press Enter.