
236 | Index
Printer (continued)
software, uninstalling, 201 to 202
specifications, 203 to 211
status check, 159 to 162
storing, 181 to 184
total print volume, 160
transporting, 181 to 184
turning off, 16
weight, 204
banding, 191
blank paper, 196
blurry prints, 193
cable, 195
color, 192, 196
diagnosing, 185
faint prints, 193
garbled characters, 195
ghosting, 192
graininess, 192
inverted image, 195
margin, 195
misalignment, 191
misregistration, 192
nothing prints, 195
operational, 194 to 195
paper, 197 to 200
print quality, 191 to 194
print speed, 148, 196
printing stops, 194
roll paper cannot be cut, 196
smeared prints, 193
Profiles, color, 151 to 158
Progress Meter, 147, 148
Quality Options, Windows,
126 to 127
Registering non-Epson media
control panel, 83 to 85
Mac OS X 10.4, 113 to 114
Mac OS X 10.5, 97 to 98
Windows, 140 to 143
Remaining paper setup, 61
Requirements, system, 13 to 14
Mac OS X 10.4, 111
Mac OS X 10.5, 95
Windows, 126
Roll paper
cannot be cut, 196
cutting manually, 70
loading, 59 to 69
Mac OS X 10.4 settings,
114 to 115
Mac OS X 10.5 settings, 98 to 99
ordering adapters, 12
printable area, 211
remaining, 61
removing from printer, 71 to 73
Save Roll Paper setting, 99, 115,
tracking, 61
trim lines, 70, 99, 115, 134
Windows settings, 132 to 134
approvals, 204
instructions, 15 to 17
Save Roll Paper setting
Mac OS X 10.4, 115
Mac OS X 10.5, 99
Windows, 132
Setting up printer, 21 to 45
installing, 49 to 53
uninstalling, 201 to 202