
Index | 221
cable, 13, 48
checking status, 132 to 135,
145 to 147
cleaning, 165
connecting, 48 to 49
default settings, restoring,
158 to 159
dimensions, 190
firmware update, 52 to 54
maintaining, 145 to 167
monitoring, 132 to 135, 147
mounting on stand, 26
moving, 167 to 170
parts, 18
plugging in, 45
setting up, 21 to 45
software, installing, 49 to 52
software, uninstalling, 187 to 188
specifications, 189 to 198
status check, 145 to 147
storing, 167 to 170
total print volume, 146
transporting, 167 to 170
turning off, 16
weight, 190
banding, 177
blank paper, 182
blurry prints, 179
cable, 181
color, 178, 182
diagnosing, 171
faint prints, 179
garbled characters, 181
ghosting, 178
graininess, 178
inverted image, 181
margin, 181
misalignment, 177
misregistration, 178
nothing prints, 181
operational, 180 to 181
paper, 183 to 186
print quality, 177 to 180
print speed, 134, 182
printing stops, 180
roll paper cannot be cut, 182
smeared prints, 179
Profiles, color, 137 to 143
Progress Meter, 132, 133
Quality Options, Windows,
110 to 111
Registering non-Epson media
control panel, 81 to 83
Mac OS X, 94 to 95
Windows, 125 to 128
Remaining paper setup, 60
Requirements, system, 13 to 14
Mac OS X, 92
Windows, 110