
Like many word processors, some spreadsheet programs also send
out an initialization command to reset the printer before printing.
This initialization, or reset command, is sent to ensure that unknown
settings do not influence the information the program sends to the
printer. Usually this shouldn’t cause any problems. However, some
programs may send a command that also resets SelecType settings (or
settings made with a programming language).
For example, you may load a SelecType macro to print a spreadsheet
in draft, condensed, with a right margin of 136. However, when printing
begins, the program sends an initialization command that cancels the
macro and resets the printer to the program’s default values.
Although many word processors allow you to modify an initialization
command, most spreadsheet programs don’t. For these programs, you
will have to rely on the programs own print features to send the proper
If your spreadsheet is not printing the way you think it should, check
the LQ and your spreadsheet program, and review this checklist:
If the program asks you to select a printer, be sure you have selected
the correct one.
Make sure the SelecType settings are correct.
If the program is ignoring your SelecType settings, try sending print
commands with the program’s print facility
If you’re using the program’s print facility recheck the LQ’S
Command Summary to make sure you’re sending the correct
If you’re still having difficulty printing, check the troubleshooting
section in your spreadsheet programs manual, or in Appendix D of
this manual.
Using the LQ-2500 with Application Programs