
Figure 1-7. Ribbon cartridge
Hold the ribbon cartridge in both hands to position it over the print
head (the hole in the ribbon cartridge fits over the finned part of the
print head). The short piece of exposed ribbon must go between
the print head and the ribbon guide so that the ribbon does not rest
directly against the platen (see Figure
Lower the ribbon car-
tridge and press the spot marked PUSH to seat the back of the
ribbon cartridge first.
5. Once you have positioned the exposed ribbon and secured the
back end of the ribbon cartridge, push down on the front of the
cartridge to snap it into place. The ribbon cartridge will sit level
when it is positioned correctly.
6. Now
give the take-up knob several turns to straighten out the rib-
bon so that it is not wrinkled or twisted. The ribbon should move
freely between the print head and the ribbon guide (Figure 1-9).