
Whether your computer system is one of these or not, with ESCape
“4” you can print Italic characters. Prove it by adding these lines to
your program:
10 LPRINT CHR$(27)“4”
70 LPRINT CHR$(27)"@"
When you want to turn off only the Italic Mode, you use ESCape "5"
(instead of line 70’s Reset Code) in your program.
More Mode Combinations
With all the handsome print types we’ve covered up to this point,
you’re probably wondering how many different print combinations
are waiting in your FX. Well, hang onto your hat. By combining the
various print modes, the FX can print text in 128 type styles.
Instead of counting these one by one, we’ll begin by describing a
special FX feature, the Master Select, which lets you choose any one of
16 popular mode combinations more simply than by calling up each
mode separately. Then we’ll demonstrate mixing Master Select choices
with the modes of this chapter.
Master Select
For Master Select you use the code sequence of ESCape " ! " fol-
lowed by CHR$ and a number in parentheses. With Master Select you
can quickly produce any possible combination of the following:
These are the modes for pitch and weight. Master Select will accept
any number between 0 and 255. Since there are only 16 unique combi-
nations, however, we’ve devised a program (Figure 5-1) with which
you can print out a handy reference chart (Figure 5-2) listing one set of
Master Select numbers.