
Setting Options Description
Advanced StatusSheet
Click this button and select
a submenu option to print a
status sheet or a list of font
samples for the current
printer operating mode
* When you change the default settings on this tab and then select another
tab, the driver asks whether you want to send your changes to the
printer. Select Yes at the prompt to save your changes and continue. The
Printer SelecType settings remain in effect until you change them again
with the printer driver or control panel (as described in Chapter 3), even
when you turn off your printer.
** Do not turn Page Protect ON unless your printouts are incomplete and you
have installed additional printer memory (see Chapter 4 for details).
When the setting is changed, downloaded fonts are erased from printer
memory, so change the setting
sending a print job.
Using Groups of Settings
To change all the printer driver settings to their factory
defaults, select Driver default in the bottom right corner of the
screen. Then click OK and print.
You can also create a group of printer driver settings and save
them with a unique group name. Then you need only select the
group name for a particular type of document to make all the
necessary settings, such as envelopes or landscape documents.
Follow these steps:
1. First change the printer driver settings for your document.
The group name in the Default box changes from Driver
default to User Defined.
2. Click the Default box.
3. Erase User Defined and type in a name for the group of
settings, such as Envelopes.
EPL-N1200 driver settings (continued)
Printing With the Windows Printer Drivers