• True Anti-Recycle Timer = Once the compressor turns off, this timer will keep the compressor off for the setting
of the True Anti-Recycle Timer. This timer is used to prevent short cycling of the compressor.
• Accumulative Anti-Recycle Timer = This timer also forces a specified time between compressor starts. When
the compressor starts, the timer resets and starts timing and accumulates running time. Once the compressor
shuts down, it will not be allowed to restart for the remainder of time left on the Accumulative Anti-Recycle
Timer. Unlike the True Anti-Recycle Timer, if the compressor has run for a time period that exceeds the set-
point of the Accumulative Anti-Recycle Timer, then when the compressor shuts down, it will be allowed to
restart immediately.
As an example:
• Accumulative Anti-Recycle Timer setting = 20 minutes.
• Assume the compressor starts and runs for 15 minutes then shuts down.
• The next start can occur in (20 minutes - 15 minutes of runtime = 5 minutes)
• The compressor restart options (Hot Starts or Anti-Recycle Timers) are selected from the “Configuration”
menu. One additional Anti-Recycle Timer is selected from the Configuration menu, which is the “Modified Anti-
Recycle” timer. Modified Anti-Recycle Timer = This timer has no direct set-point. It is defined as a combination
of the True Anti-Recycle Timer and the Accumulative Anti-Recycle Timer. Normally when the “Modified Anti-
Recycle Timer” function is selected from the Configuration menu, the timer functions as a True Anti-Recycle
timer and uses the set-point of the True Anti-Recycle timer. However if the operator presses the stop button,
or if a failure occurs, then the Modified Anti-Recycle Timer function switches to activate the “Accumulative
Anti-Recycle Timer”. As the definition of the Accumulative Anti-Recycle Timer states, now the compressor will
be allowed to restart when the present accumulated runtime and the present accumulated off time meets or
exceeds the setting of the “Accumulative Anti-Recycle Timer”.