Dual-Compressor Module Material Data Safety Sheet
32 2006SSD-75 R4 (10/10)
appeNdix a - material data safety sheet
The information in this material safety data sheet should be provided to all who use, handle, store,
transport or are otherwise exposed to this product. CPI believes the information in this document to be
reliable and up to date as of the date of publication, but makes no guarantee that it is.
This oil is intended for use only in the Copeland Scroll
Compressor used in natural gas
Use of any other oil may result in failure and is not covered by warranty.
• If the oil has not been contaminated, it can be disposed the same as a synthetic motor oil.
• If the oil is contaminated, the end user must comply with all applicable regulations for disposal
of hazardous materials.
a.1 supplier
CPI Engineering Services Inc.
2300 James Savage Rd.
Midland, MI 48642
Emergency Number: (989) 496-3780
a.2 produCt Name aNd iNformatioN
Product (Trade name and synonyms)
CP-6006 Series
Chemical Name Poly-Alpha-Olen (PAO)
Chemical Family Synthetic Hydrocarbon
CAS# Proprietary
a.3 CompoNeNts aNd hazard statemeNt
This product is non-hazardous. The product contains no known carcinogens. No special warning labels
are required under OSHA 29 CFR 1910.1200.
FDA Statement. This product complies with FDA 21 CFR 178.3570 regarding lubricants for incidental
food contact.
a.4 safe haNdliNg aNd storage
Handling. Do not take internally. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothing. Upon contact with skin, wash
with soap and water. Flush eyes with water for 15 minutes and consult physician. Wash contaminated
clothing before reuse.
Storage. Keep container tightly sealed when not in use.
a.5 physiCal data
Appearance Clear, water-white liquid
Boiling Point >300°F (149°C)
Vapor Pressure
<0.01mm Hg @ 20°C
(0.00039 in.Hg @ 68°F)
Specic Gravity (water=1) 0.79-0.85
Volatiles, Percent by Volume 0%
Odor None
Solubility in Water Insoluble
Evaporation Rate (butyl acetate=1) Nil