SS-100 Serial Server Reflecs • 9
Communications to access the Communications
Setup screen :
3. Set LAN Adapter as the Dial-out Device.
4. Press 0 to go back to the Configuration screen.
5. Press 3. System Information to open the BEC
System Information screen.
6. Press the down arrow once and the second BEC
System Information screen is displayed:
7. Enter the Dial Strings in the Phone number #1
or the #2 field. The format is IpAddressHost-
Name:PortT. For example, if the UltraSite32
computer has a static IP address of
and it is listening on port 3026, then dial string
would be (Note that the dial
string must end in the letter T.)
4.4. RMCC
1. Log on to the controller.
2. From the Main Menu screen, select 7. Configu-
ration to open the Configuration screen and 4.
Remote Communication to access the Commu-
nications Setup screen :
3. Set LAN Adapter as the Dial-out Device.
4. Press 0 to go back to the Configuration screen.
5. Press 3. System Information to open the RMCC
System Information screen.
6. Press the down arrow five times and the Dialout
Setup screen is displayed:
7. Enter the Dial Strings in the Day Phones 1 or 2
fields or the Night Phones 1 or 2 fields. The for-
mat is IpAddressHostName:PortT. For exam-
ple, if the UltraSite32 computer has a static IP
address of and it is listening on port
3026, then dial string would be (Note that the dial string
must end in the letter T.)
BEC Communications Setup Screen
BEC System Information Screen
RMCC Communications Setup Screen
RMCC Dialout Screen